Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Convention Season is Done!

It hardly seems possible that that another year of conventions has gone by. It was great meeting all of you this year. I love meeting new folks who are interested in Sonlight for the first time ... and seeing old friends who come back each season to tell me about their school year. It's fun seeing your kids grow up!

I'm interested in hearing what nugget of encouragement you took away from the convention you visited this year. Perhaps it was a specific workshop? Or maybe a speaker who just touched your heart. Just possibly, it was simply the time spent with other homeschoolers. Many folks I talked to this year expressed how making their annual convention trip was like refueling for the coming school year.

So post a comment here sharing your most encouraging memory from this year's convention visit. On July 13th I'll do a random drawing for a Sonlight tote bag from those who commented. Just the thing to carry all those Sonlight books to the park!

Have a wonderful July 4th weekend!


Amy Powell said...

Hi Judy,
I didn't attend a convention this year, but the last one I was able to go to was really inspirational! The most encouraging thing that I heard was that God is with us throughout all that he has called us to. He's not just there when He calls us and He's not just there when our work is done and we are victorious, but He's with us always through every mountain and valley on the journey that He has called us to. What an encouragement! That's something I need to remember more often when 5pm comes and my 10 yr. old is still not done with his math page he was assigned at 10am! LOL!

By the way, just wanted to let you know your blogs are a great source of encouragement, too! Be blessed!


afterhisheart said...

A great little reminder I received this year at the conference I attended was to give my student time to think, and more time than I would normally be comfortable with. Sometimes I find myself a little too eager to help the thought process along with too much "strategy to solve problems" chatter. To relax and let the learning process happen was good to hear again.