Saturday, March 27, 2010

Self-Cleaning Ovens

I was cleaning the oven the other day, thinking how glad I am to own a self-cleaning oven. I remember when we were first married ... spraying noxious cleaners and scrubbing cooked on food made oven cleaning a less than pleasant task. My kids laugh when I tell them how much work it was to clean up the remnants of a Thanksgiving turkey or a bubbled-over cherry pie.

Much as "oven technology" has changed through the years ... as well as computer technology, cellphone technology, entertainment technology, etc... life is advancing and moving on in our home as well. The grandparents living our home often shake their heads at all the "newfangled" technology. Our kids embrace it. Instead of sitting around after a holiday meal cross-stitching or crocheting, everyone is texting and watching the ball game in HD.

Change is never easy ... but neither does it mean that character and our core values disappear with the "old-world" technology. The constants remain constant, and there is value in engaging in our children's world. Besides ... all the cool "old people" are on Facebook.

Blessings ...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

It's spring and catalogs are in the air!

I'm sure that Christmas was only just yesterday. How can it possibly be spring already? If it's spring, it must be time to begin thinking about Sonlight's newest catalog!

Snow is melting, the birds have started to sing in the trees ... and Luke has begun the annual Sonlight catalog tease. A tradition I look forward to every year which tells me the long winter is coming to a close.

Now is a good time to begin thinking about what the next school year holds. Whether it's a change from public or private school to homeschool ... a change from one homeschool curriculum to another ... or figuring out what Sonlight materials to use for next year ... this is the time to begin making plans. So here's your education "to do" list for 2010:
  1. If you'd like a 2010 Sonlight catalog, drop me an email with your mailing address.
  2. If you want to look at and touch some Sonlight curriculum, come visit me at one of my northeast conventions, and get a $15 coupon towards your next Sonlight order.
  3. Check out my web page for some very practical homeschool resources.
  4. Stay tuned for my convention specials!
Enjoy the warmer weather as you start thinking about growing students who love to learn in 2010.

Blessings ...