Friday, May 20, 2011

Summer Jobs

Thankfully most kids aren't doing yard work with this type of mower anymore, but once upon a time we did. We *really* earned our money in those days! (Now I'm beginning to sound like my dad)

Summer jobs are another great resource for beating boredom. They are as wide and varied as your imagination. Cleaning brush, mowing lawns, weeding gardens, flipping burgers at the local hamburger joint, and the list goes on.

Summer jobs accomplish a whole list of things:
  • the value of scheduling (have to be to work on time)
  • the value of responsibility (most bosses won't step in and clean up your messes)
  • the value of saving money
  • the value of spending your money wisely
  • the joy of cashing your first (and subsequent) paychecks
  • the self-confidence related to a "good job" from your boss
  • the experience demonstrated on a resume
Now tell me ... what curriculum is going to accomplish all this for the price of transportation? Even if there aren't any local summer jobs to be had, find projects around home that you're willing to pay to have done. Help your kids become resourceful ... perhaps they'll want to try their hand at a home business.

You never know what opportunities will open up as the result of a summer job!

Happy hunting!